
a simple object is what i am.

I start out as blank pages, waiting for words to be printed onto me, waiting for a purpose. I can be about anything, really. Sometimes I'm a simple book of facts, other times a meaningful memoir. There's an endless array of possibilities. I can be anything people care enough about to write something on. You can think of a subject and somebody will have written about it. I'm the holder of whatever you wish to put in me, stylized and pondered over for how my content will be written, fussed over until I'm good enough for whatever end result the author can be satisfied with.
I can be anything you want me to be.
My fate is decided by whatever story put into me, and unfortunately or fortunately, I don't have a choice in the matter. I can be a classic or a romantic comedy and it will make no difference. I can be stupid or absurd or brilliant or mind blowing or boring or a combination of adjectives or nothing or everything. I'm still a book whatever I contain.
Sometimes I contain hateful text or ignorant writing or terrible characterization or confusing thoughts. I can be awful.
But it is worth something that anybody can write down a text of whatever they want and they can call it a book. I can be used for radical ideas, new expressions, for change. I cannot be erased. I can be burned but my production shall never be halted. I can be censored and pushed away but I shall always live on.
No matter how frayed my pages become or how lost I am, as long as a single book exists, so will human thought.
The words I contain are eternal.
Lots of people hate reading me for no reason other than the fact that I am a book. (I find that absolutely ridiculous. You have the opportunity to read; read.) Other people love reading me, pour over different volumes and learn to love different genres and styles and to embrace whatever catches their fancy.
I have people who love me. I have creators who take great care in making me what I am. I have readers who read my prose carefully, ponder over passages, teach my meaning to a younger generation. People who do good using me.
And that is wonderful.

(Despite what people say, I am fine coexisting with kindles. They are an alternate form is all.)

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