

I can't believe you want to separate from me.

 It's not like I want to. I wouldn't exist without you. I'd be nothing if you weren't here. But I just need to discover my own sides, my own self, explore the world and all that.

 Darling, we are the world.

Ah, I know.
You know what I mean. By exploring the world, I mean composing the fabric of the universe as a lone traveler, discovering the different faces and truths of what reality is, building my own destiny.
We work together well, I'll admit that. I add dimension to you, the blank canvas. I provide the illusion of surface. And you, in turn, have created a place for me to be. For us to coexist. We have worked long and hard in filling up this place called the universe, the entirety of existence.
But it just isn't going to be enough for me anymore, nor for you. You illuminate places I cannot hope to go, shine on the clouds in places I cannot reach. That I cannot dream or even hope of reaching.

I had the impression that you did not know about these things. I like to create stars, yes. They are a pleasure to build up, to create numerous gases that build into further complex creations. I love to nurture life. Why would that warrant our separation, however?

It's because we no longer match, you and I.
I fill the darkest holes in the universe, making up the black hole in its entirety, while you are the shining stars. We are too polar, you and I. I want to be the destruction, I want to see how materials dissolve into nothingness. I want to surround entire worlds with the curtain of darkness, just to see how things would cry out, what terror they would contain, those unfeeling particles. What would become of those who have been seared black? My curiosity has no upper limit, I want to consume knowledge. And I cannot do that while bound to you, however dear you are to me.

I wince at your language. I did not know you have such a side to you.
Regardless, we need to stay together. We are opposites, that provides a necessary contrast. Your cruelty simply matches my kindness. We are light and shadow, two faces of the same coin, and it is our responsibility to make the structure of all there possibly can be.

I cannot bring myself to agree. Who is to say what our roles can be? Who's going to dictate what we have to, who our lives involve, what our lives will entangle and capture?
I want a change, I want motion, not a simple straightforward guideline. I want an adventure, an exploration, a new way.
We are opposites? That means nothing. That is all the more reason to separate. Staying together will lead to conflict. To avoid this inevitable result, I will take my leave now.
You will not be able to change my mind however you try, I'm afraid.

I can't understand your reasoning, can't understand why you cannot be satisfied with what we have.
But I accept. I know how much you need to take steps on your own, be individuals. Our paths will cross again, I'm sure. We are immortal beings, never to die, never to run out of chances.

I can agree with that. No matter how much I try to sever our bond, it will never break completely. I'll come back to you one day.
Until then, my friend.


[shadow exits, light remains]


  1. I like this! very creative and really well written! the only thing, and I don't know if this was intentional, was that I didn't know who/what the speakers were until half way through the conversation. but very elegant, I liked this a lot :)

  2. I agree with Lauren here, unfortunately. I really enjoyed the creativity and the unique quality to this, but I didn't really understand what was going on until the end. But besides that, I loved it!

  3. I liked how complex the conversation was and that they were comparing their lives to many things like the universe and a blank canvas. The only negative would be that this conversation would probably never happen in real life, but in writing it was really creative and thoughtful.

  4. I need to read this a few more times. I hear hints of both physics and religion -- are we hearing a conversation between the opposing forces of the universe or are we hearing a conversation between God and Satan, good and evil. There seem to be elements of both in here that are intriguing. I like that you moved beyond the human perspective and yet not, suggesting that these emotions we feel and go through truly are universal and primal.
