
Emoticons! (/^▽^)/

I'm nervous about writing this blog post. I can't decide on a topic to choose. Will I be serious or satirical, enjoyably ridiculous or too over the top?
I can't express this feeling clearly through writing. No matter how hard I try, no words can adequately tell how I feel.
That emoticon, however, clearly establishes what I feel. Nervous. Unsure.
What is an emoticon? Emoticons are any sort of symbol or icon used to display emotion. The Japanese, however, have pioneered a whole new level using a vast amount of symbols from the keyboard. They have gone beyond :) and other primitive emoticons, whose use has been exhausted. They have created a whole new language, a whole new set of emoticons (kaomoji, to be specific.) Instead of makes horizontal faces, these emoticons are written vertically. They are far more complex, ranging the eyes with different characters to convey different emotions visually. Parenthesis can be used to show the outline of the face. Other symbols can be used outside parenthesis to show action.
These emoticons should be used in all writing. Why write about feelings and emotions when you can simply type an emoticon? You shouldn't have to bother with writing it all out. Use them when texting- in the Chinese and Japanese languages on apple products, they are even preset into the keyboard. It saves time, it's adorable, and your message cannot be misunderstood.
Feeling excited? Use (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
Want to show off? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Happy?  (◕‿◕)
Swinging along to some music? ~(˘▾˘~)
There's an emoticon for everything. You have so many options. You can copy and paste them, or type them out through the keyboard. Why bother with the complications of languages and subtleties when a cute emoticon will do? A visual image is the answer. Be creative, innovative, in this language of emoticons.
(There's no harm in coming off as adorable, either.)
Leave them behind, those who only use words. Emoticons are the next level. They are the future.
ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


  1. \(^.^)/ that was such an interesting argument! And btw I never knew that you could type emoticons like that. I love it! Its so you :) Also, I totally agree with you on how emoticons can be so much more effective to deliver a point. And they really are so adorable! I definitely think they are becoming more prevalent in society through texting, but I hope that they won't be limited to personal conversations. It would be so useful if people could start using emoticons in a professional environment too.

    1. Thank you for the feedback, Neha! While I do believe in this argument partially, my purpose writing this was to seem more ridiculous than serious (though now I doubt whether that was clear or not.) I do love emoticons, but I don't think they have to be used everywhere.
