
On noticing others

I wish people would be more aware of their actions and take notice of the people around them.
(It should be noted that I am speaking from the perspective of an extremely sensitive person. I take many matters to heart that I really shouldn't.)
I often get annoyed when people are incapable of noticing when I'm upset or off-put by something. I expect people to take notice of my subtle complaints in expression and body language. I don't want to actually say anything, for fear of offending and causing conflict. I expect others to do the work and realize something is off.
I've often felt uncomfortable at parties or social events, and for the majority of the time, nobody really notices. (An exception would be people who have similar personalities, those who are quiet and particular in manner as well.) I don't really want to say or do anything, to say that I don't feel like a part of everything, when everyone else is obviously enjoying themselves. The last thing I'd want to do is come off as selfish and self-centered.
So I stay quiet and listen to other people.
While I know it's very much my fault for staying silent, I wish people would at least notice somewhat. A simple "Hey, are you ok?" would be very comforting.
It's obviously not an easy thing, to look around and be aware, but I always make an effort to look carefully at the people around me, and usually this courtesy isn't reciprocated.
I know that's unfair because it is not anybody's responsibility to make me feel better, or to voice my discomfort, or to notice what I deliberately make difficult to see.
So that's why I file this under a "selfish, petty complaint."

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