
Marriage Equality

Gay marriage should be legalized.
People should have the right to have a union by marriage, regardless of their gender. They have the right to marriage just as anybody else does. Yet, few countries in the world have given people this right. Even in the United States, which values its freedoms, only fourteen of fifty countries have legalized same-sex marriage.
Gay people (or whatever sexuality they are, it isn't limited to two orientations) have the right to seek marriage just as anybody else, for whatever reasons.
Marriage is no longer synonymous with religion. Many people marry for religious reasons, but many others do not. A person's decision to marry is no one's business besides his/hers. Even if it goes against a religion's principles, religion is separated from state. Regardless of whatever personal opinions a person has against gay marriage, opposing a person's free choice and will to marry whomever they please is not okay.

This week at school is Ally Week, and Thursday's theme is to wear white in support of marriage equality. Even small steps like that serve to rally support for gay marriage. Legalizing gay marriage is an important step forward. While it doesn't directly help much of the bullying and discrimination towards people of the LGBT community, legalization creates more equality and fairness. Marriage is an important factor for many people's happiness, and everybody should have the right to it with his/her loved one.

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